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Success Begins with a Single Choice

It all begins here. Chetana is here to work with you.  An experienced and expert Sustainability Consultant, (now based in the US), as well as an Advanced Yoga and Meditation Teacher. She is also versed in JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) programs and advocacy through both the professional and lived lens. So, whether you are looking for implementing sustainability practices; environmental presentations, exploring JEDI within an organization or looking to offer yoga & meditation sessions to your employees, Chetana is your single choice. She is the person. Fill out the form below to get started.

(noting that Chetana's physical location occupies the ancestral

lands of the Abenaki, Pennacook, and Wabanaki peoples)


Chetana offers a variety of services. From Sustainability consultancy; Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (JEDI) programs and implementation to Yoga and Meditation sessions. Connect with Chetana to discuss. Your single best choice.


Looking to implement programs that will reduce your Company's carbon footprint; organize a 'greener' event; raise awareness of climate issues? Contact Chetana.

Looking to bring yoga to your business, team, students? Chetana offers a variety of yoga classes and tailors them for the yogis practicing. Yoga Retreats offered for individuals and teams as well.


Helping in the implementation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), providing training programs, increasing awareness, knowledge and skills to empower employees and companies to thrive. 

Looking to discover the benefits of a regular meditation practice. Offering this as part of your Company's Wellness program, will truly bring people together. Each meditation is tailored and the power of being present in stillness is uniquely life-changing.



Trusted and Endorsed

Chetana believes in delivering a wonderful experience, enterprise professionalism, and real results whether it be in taking an organization towards sustainability, working through the difficult conversations and implementation of JEDI & Belonging programs and/or guiding you through the power of yoga & meditation. All three pillars are interconnected. Chetana can be found teaching at the beautiful Humble Warrior  Power Yoga studio in Exeter (formerly Exeter Power Yoga & Healing Center). She also offers yoga, meditations to individuals, schools, communities and businesses beyond HWPY Exeter. Partnering with her to deliver sustainability, JEDI & Belonging and/or yoga will definitely have an impact on you and your organization. Complete the form below and you too can join the ranks of satisfied customers/clients.

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Chetana teaches at Humble Warrior Exeter (formerly Exeter Power Yoga & Healing Center). She leads yoga classes that are energetic, centering and none of her classes are ever the same. Chetana is an intuitive teacher and teaches to what the energy is in the room. 

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Chetana writes and uploads her own guided meditations to the App. You can follow her. The meditations are accessible and many are less than 10mins long. Go ahead and follow, review, star rate her and share her meditations with others.


Saltpump Climbing LLC

The leading community resource for climbing, adventure, and a healthy, active lifestyle.  Bouldering done right at the old Dunkin Donut Factory in Portsmouth, NH. Saltpump offers Free yoga classes to all its members. 

Chetana is part of the team of yoga teachers and offers a practice that is 'just right' for the climbing community.

'Come for the climbing, Stay for the yoga'.



Giving-back-to-the community. Part of a team of yoga teachers offering Free yoga to cancer patients and their care-givers and family members. A great opportunity to work with this non-profit that provides accessible yoga programs to individuals in a wide variety of settings and circumstances.

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A top rated private boarding High School. Chetana delivered a guided meditation workshop during MLK Day. She spoke of the teachings of yoga, Gandhi and MLK's stance on non-violence. The workshop was attended by over 85 students and faculty.

Chetana leads a weekly accessible practice of a guided meditation with sound bowls to the students.

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Giving-back-to-the community. Part of a team of yoga teachers offering Free yoga every Tuesday during the Summer at Prescott Park, Portsmouth, NH. A great opportunity to work with this non-profit that provides accessible yoga programs to individuals in a wide variety of settings and circumstances.


An assisted-living residence for seniors. Chetana offers guided meditation sessions to the staff and residents at the facility.



An indoor/outdoor music venue. During restrictions to meet indoors, the venue offered outdoor options for people to still get together. Chetana offered Yoga in the Meadow by donation to the local community during the summer months with all proceeds going to Womenade of Greater Squamscott

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S2 Episode5: Mindful Teens - The Power of Small Meditation Breaks.

Recently interviewed by Ed Gerety for his podcast. Have a listen as we explore how meditation can be so powerful to teenagers.

The podcast episode is available on all platforms & you can click on these links: spotify (episode38) and apple podcast


Offering beach yoga on Salisbury Beach at 8am during the Summer season. Part of a team of yoga teachers put together by Sarah Olson and Groundswell Cafe, Salisbury Beach, MA

Chetana's Flow-Yin-Nidra 90 minute class is Wonderful. This sunday evening class is a perfect way to end the weekend and start thinking about the week ahead. This class gives my body and mind a chance to reset and renew.

5 Stars!



If you’re looking to see what Chetana is able to do for your organization, look no further. Fill out the form today & let success begin with this single choice.

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